Do I Need to Clean My Air Ducts? - A Comprehensive Guide

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not generally recommend that air ducts be cleaned, except when necessary due to continuing uncertainty about the benefits of duct cleaning in most cases. However, the comfort of a home is significantly affected by indoor air quality, and the presence of dust particles, mold spores, pollen and insect droppings can cause reactions, even in the healthiest people. Regular air duct cleaning is one way to improve the overall air quality in your home. If you're wondering if your ducts need to be cleaned, there are some common signs to look out for.

Clean air ducts improve airflow efficiency, while dirty air ducts can cause the HVAC system to work harder to circulate air, which can lead to greater wear and tear on the system and shorten its life span. Professional duct cleaning services use specialized blowers, vacuums, and brushes to clean supply, inlet, and return ducts throughout the home. The easiest way to tell if air ducts need to be cleaned is with irregular airflow in the bedroom, bathroom, living room, and even the kitchen. With growing concerns about indoor air quality, it's easy to convince homeowners that their ductwork needs to be cleaned. Cleaning the air vents will help eliminate these irritants and unwanted odors, improving the air quality in your home. In addition to cleaning moldy air conditioning ducts, technicians will recommend investing in a household dehumidifier as mold and mildew grow in damp areas.

Adopting simple maintenance measures that you can perform yourself will not only save money in terms of continuous operational efficiency of the air conditioning but you will also avoid costly future repairs and the need to clean the ducts periodically. If you're staying in an old house and don't remember when the air duct was last cleaned, get a technician to inspect and clean the air duct. The air duct cleaning costs derived from an air duct cleaning service will vary depending on the ducts and the location you are in.

How Do You Know If Air Ducts Need To Be Cleaned?

If you're concerned about air duct cleaning costs, consider how much you can save in the long run by maintaining your ducts and HVAC system. Cleaning air ducts not only improves air quality in the home but it can also increase the efficiency of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

Michele Elbe
Michele Elbe

Evil internet expert. Professional bacon expert. Lifelong bacon expert. Award-winning social mediaholic. Evil internet buff. General travel maven.