How to Check Airflow in Ductwork: A Comprehensive Guide

Checking the airflow in ductwork is an essential part of keeping a healthy HVAC system. To accurately measure the average velocity of air in the duct, an anemometer is the best tool. To use it, make sure it is in the right position to measure airflow and hold the blade wheel next to the fan or duct, keeping it in the direction of the air flow. Move the anemometer to different points and press the “pause” key to pause a particular reading.

Once you have taken your readings, you can calculate the flow of air moving through the duct by multiplying the average number of feet per minute by the duct area in square feet. The volume of air flow in the supply ducts should be approximately equal to that of the air flow through the return ducts. It is important to regularly check your ductwork for proper airflow. This will help ensure that your HVAC system is running efficiently and effectively. If you notice any discrepancies in your readings, it may be time to call a professional for further inspection.

Michele Elbe
Michele Elbe

Evil internet expert. Professional bacon expert. Lifelong bacon expert. Award-winning social mediaholic. Evil internet buff. General travel maven.